Wednesday, September 1, 2010

110° in the Shade

Yes, the weather will be different.
And no, it doesn't really matter where you go. If you're going anywhere that qualifies as "far away" (which, to me at least, means a solid 12 hours of driving), then everything you know about being outside is going to change at least a little bit.
(And no, for anyone who got the reference in the title, it won't be cool enough to merit its own musical).

Since that's unavoidable, the question, then, is how does this affect being at school? In the sense of keeping you from studying or going to class, not that much. Now you may say to yourself, "Self, what about snow days?" But here's the news for you. If you are moving from the south to the north, you get the glory of snow without the glory of snow days because we hardbitten yankees are used to dealing with it. You're a sissy if you can't get your driveway cleared in time to get off to where you need to go.

If you're moving from north to south....well, admittedly, I was given a snow day last January at OU (Oklahoma) for about 2 inches of snow and some nasty ice. But here's my view on the matter: having a sissy southern state without the infrastructure to handle a little bitty snowfall (call me a nasty New Englander!) does make for a nice class cancellation and a game of snow football. That can never outweigh the general lack of snow though! The stuff you see in the picture below was gone within 2 days.

But I digress. Especially if you don't like snow at all.

Living in a different climate boils (particularly in the hot south) down to this: you might have to change your wardrobe, and you will have to change your mindset. The hot can be hotter, the cold can be colder, the dry can be dryer, and the rainy can be rainier. Oklahoma, for example, forced me into several pairs of shorts, some sundresses, and a pair of rainboots. It also forced me into better balance on my bike, because the wind really does "come sweeping down the plain!"

Anyone on two wheels is free range for a vicious gust.

Things you never expected to notice might matter. For example, the seasons smell different depending on where you are. The "sounds of summer" might drive you absolutely insane, making you wish for winter even if you can survive the heat. The cozy fireside winter you expected might turn into a long season of blankets and cabin fever. So I suggest this: find the fun in wherever you are. Learn to make a snowman, or revel in the joys of wearing shorts in December. Make hot chocolate. Drink iced coffee. Jump in leaves or in puddles. And look forward to going back to your own weather over breaks! More on that in my next post!

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